Daily Inspiration
Questions to ask yourself at the flip of a coin!
- First, set your intention for reflection for today, this week, or a time period of your choice.
- Then, click on “choose a coin”.
- Next, flip the coin and ponder the meaning of the Tarot Coin and meditate on the questions you may be asking.
If you have the Fortune Tarot, carry the coin you’ve selected for the time period you have chosen. Keep it in your pocket or wallet as a tactile reminder of your evolution on your spiritual timeline.
Touching or seeing your coin throughout the day helps solidify your conscious awareness in all things concerned.

Intuitive knowledge. The goddess of one’s inner voice and access to hidden messages.
Is it time to develop my intuition and trust my inner wisdom?
Am I listening to my head or my heart?
Should I be weighing in on both?
Choose New Coin
Flip Coin